美日外相會不會?及其他「小事」 st1\00003a*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}st1\00003a*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}【Comment】 國務院說得離離落落,逼得記者詰問國務院發言人,是否日本外相在耍人?(You’re suggesting that the Japanese foreign ministe 宜蘭民宿r is snubbing the Secretary?),外交上當然說「不是」(…when we put out a week ahead schedule, it is intended be for planning and not for publication.),但已經很像情人鬧彆扭。 table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";} 歹戲真 小型辦公室的沒完沒了,時間久了就有可能「唰戲」。連下週的黑馬、白鴿也不必會面了。但這樣是黑馬頭疼,還是白鴿肚子痛? 同場記者會有關歐巴馬不見達賴的事情,發言人則義正辭嚴、胡扯一通(On the Dalai Lama, he’s – he was here recently, but President Obama turned down a meeting wi 21世紀房屋仲介th him, and he’s now going to a region of India which is turning into a politicized battle between India and China. And I was wondering if the U.S. has a position on the Dalai Lama’s travels and meetings, since it’s apparently causing quite a stir over in the region.) 連關達那摩的6名維吾爾 房屋買賣人移送帛琉,也想說是小事一樁而不願評論。(Uighurs and Palau – that I do have something on. I will find it. Or not…we would like to reiterate our gratitude to the Government of Palau for its generous offer to receive these Uighurs. This resettlement is a major step in implementing the President’s directive 網路行銷 to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility.) 有趣的是,美國不關給帛琉關,這是什麼國際法原則,或有什麼條約做基礎? http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2009/nov/131199.htm 美稱6日是否舉行日美外長會談取決於日方 ●共同社(2009.11.03 1405) 【共同社華盛頓11月3日電】針對日本外相岡田克也是否於本週後半週訪美並與美國國務卿希拉蕊進 酒店經紀行會談一事,美國國務院發言人凱利2日在記者會上表示,“希拉蕊國務卿願意進行會談”( She’s ready to meet with him.)。他指出美國國務院已將會談時間定在當地時間6日,會談能否實現取決於岡田。(Well, what I do know is that the Secretary has time on Friday to meet with him, but that I think I have to refer you to the Japanese foreign ministry about the plans of F 開幕活動oreign Minister Okada…. That’s up to the Japanese foreign minister to – up to the foreign ministry to decide.) 美國國務院曾於10月31日宣佈會談日程但又於當天撤回。國務院高官2日就此向媒體解釋稱理由是日本參院預算委員會會議將舉行至6日傍晚,日程有可能發生衝突。(完) http://china.kyodo.co.jp/modules/fsStory/index.php?sel_lang=tchinese&storyid=75313 日美外長會談尚未敲定 房屋買賣 日稱美發佈日程是誤導 ●共同社(2009.11.02 1605) 【共同社11月2日電】就美國方面先前宣佈的日本外相岡田克也在本週後半周訪美並與美國國務卿希拉蕊會談一事,日本官房長官平野博文在2日上午的記者會上表示,“眼下還是白紙一張。現在的首要工作是國會,如果對國會有影響,就不可能舉行外長會談”,“但如果沒有影響,將由岡田自己判斷是否有必要舉行會談。” 雙方正在以美國時間6日為目標協調外長會談的日程,但因 酒肉朋友日本參院預算委員會會議要舉行至6日傍晚,因此屆時會談能否按時舉行尚無法確定。 關於美國國務院公佈會談日程後又將其撤回一事,平野指出“這恐怕是美方的誤導”。另有日本政府高官透露稱“美國國務院已為此向日方致歉”。(完) http://china.kyodo.co.jp/modules/fsStory/index.php?sel_lang=tchinese&storyid=75293 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 九份民宿  .

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