          從830到517 From 830 to 517 Since MYJ’s inauguration of 2008, pro-Taiwan groups held three protests, which are 830, 1025 and 517. The three are about the same siz 酒店經紀e, according to my site observations. The point is the combination. A 節能燈具decade ago, there were only middle age people who attended demonstration. Since 2004 “228 Hand-in 房屋貸款-Hand” the couples, especially young females attended the protests as carnivals. 830, 1025 and 517 follows the tradit 澎湖民宿ion. The consistence of the numbers and the combinations from 830 to 517 shows there is at least a similar percentage of voters who disagree wit 禮服h MYJ’s attitude toward Beijing. Taiwanese still feel unsafe on MYJ’s China-rush policies, expressing deep anxiety over the survival of the precious Taiwan democracy 房屋買賣. That is part of the significance from 830 to 517.(後兩段,感謝網友hope的指點) 從830到517 馬英九上台受,台灣派(包括台灣社與民進黨)總共舉行過3場大的遊行,分別是830(台灣社)、1025以 買屋及517。 這3場示威遊行的人數,以個人觀察的角度,是1025、517、830。假使加上高雄台灣社辦理的規模,則應該是517、1025、830。但無論如何,人數相差在伯仲之間。 問題是人員組成。自從「228牽手活動」之後,參加遊行就變成嘉?租辦公室~華會,從原本的中老年男性為主的成員,一變而成為闔家的活動,不但有老阿公、阿媽,也有小孩,更特殊的是有情侶以及年輕女性(正妹)。 這3場遊行也承襲這傳統,證明了台灣的民主已經為各種階層得以享受的果實。 更重要的是,從830到517,馬英九雖 澎湖民宿然選上,國民黨雖然佔有2/3,但是仍然有固定且顯著的民眾(至少是40%以上)對於馬政權的施政,特別是傾中的政策,是持有不同意見與不安的。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 商務中心  .

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